
Kekai Tungsten bar & Molybdenum Technology

Tungsten is part of non-ferrous metals , is also an important strategic metal , Kekai Tungsten & Molybdenum Technology copper tungsten ore in ancient times was called " heavy stone ." 1781 by the Swedish chemist Carl . William . She Yeer discovered scheelite , and extract new elements acid - acid, in 1783 by the Spanish Air Asia Depp found wolframite also extract the acid, the same year, with a carbon reduction of tungsten trioxide first got tungsten powder, and named the element. Tungsten content in the crust is 0.001 %. copper molybdenum minerals have been found in 20 species . Tungsten deposit is generally accompanied by granitic magma activity and the formation . After molybdenium smelting after the silver-white lustrous metal , high melting point, great hardness.
????Currently mined tungsten mine in the world , about 50% for high-quality steel smelting , about 35% for the production of rigid steel , approximately 10% for the system tungsten wire , about 5% of the other for other purposes. Tungsten can be manufactured firearms , rocket nozzles , metal cutting blades, drill bits , hard mold , drawing dies , etc., the use of tungsten is very extensive, involving mining, metallurgy, machinery , construction, transportation , electronics, chemical industry, light industry , textile , military, aerospace , technology, various industrial fields. The most common is our home and some bulbs with tungsten filaments .
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