
Add artificial edge that allows atomic layer of molybdenum disulfide neat

Add artificial edge that allows atomic layer of molybdenum disulfide neat growth China Technology Daily News According to physicist organizational networks reported recently, Rice University and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) developed in collaboration with scientists a new method that can control the molybdenum disulfide (MDS) consistently neat atomic layer growth, to manufacture two-dimensional electronic device toward a step forward.  Research published this week in the "natural. Materials Science" magazine.
Molybdenum disulfide is a semiconductor Molybdenum tube functional components are required for two-dimensional electron in one of the three materials, they are expected to be made ​​invisible devices based components.  In the latest study, the scientists hope to figure out a large and high-quality atom thick sheet of molybdenum disulfide Can the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) furnaces grow and what features they have.  They want molybdenum disulfide with no band gap of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride insulator (hBN) binding, thereby making appearances effect transistor logic integrated circuits, photodetectors and flexible optoelectronic devices.
Last year, Rice University mechanical engineering and materials science professor Lou jun (transliteration) and Plymouth Kerr? Ajayan said they successfully produced graphene and hexagonal boron nitride formed complex staggered structure, but in order to use they manufacture of advanced electronic equipment, also need a third material - molybdenum disulfide. . However, they said: "The will of molybdenum disulfide and carbon atoms together, we want graphene and molybdenum disulfide (with hexagonal boron nitride) combine to create a novel two-dimensional semiconductor parts, but because of their different structures , growth environment is different, so there are a lot of difficulties.

