
Mo (Molybdenum) Introduction

  This soft black mineral Molybdenum tube (molybdenum disulfide, MoS2), looks very much like graphite, and has been considered to be a lead ore until 1778, Carl Scheele analyze it and prove that it is not the lead can than graphite, but he did not recognize it.
Others speculate that it contains a new element, but it's hard to metallic. It can be converted to the oxide, when added to water, the formation of acidic substances, we now know that it is molybdic acid, H2MoO4, but the metal itself or elusive.

Scheele put this question to the Peter Jacob Hjelm. He put together into a molybdic acid and carbon to form a paste linseed oil, heating it red hot and producing molybdenum metal. This new element has been declared in the autumn of 1781,

